Dr. Caplan delivers talk at DTx East conference


Presentation: Mainstreaming Cannabinoid-based Treatments Via a Digital Health Platform | EO Care Inc.

The cannabis legalization wave has led to an explosion in the use of cannabis products for pain, sleep disorders, anxiety, and a host of other health-related needs. Today, 90% of Americans believe cannabis should be available as a medical treatment. However, to date there’s been no way to affordably provide and scale the ongoing clinician oversight most researchers now agree is essential for the optimal and safe use of cannabis for medical and wellness purposes. As a result, many are using cannabis suboptimally and often unsafely. And critically, the leading healthcare networks and payers have been unable to conduct the essential cannabis care pilots that will eventually lead to the thoughtful provision of reimbursable cannabis treatments and products.

This presentation will:

  • Review why and how most current cannabis care provision is inadequate.
  • Explain why and how a patient companion app, data model and clinician enablement platform driven approach may be the only way to provide responsible cannabis care at scale.
  • Discuss the real-world outcome metrics that are most important in the effort to “unlock” healthcare networks and payers.

Ben Caplan, Co-Founder and Chief Medical Officer, EO Care, Inc.
Sean Collins, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, EO Care, Inc.

Click here for the full agenda