Hi Dr. Caplan,
I attended your lecture yesterday at the Yankee Dental. My 36 year old daughter has been diagnosed with Chronic fatigue Syndrome. Are there any benefits to taking medical Cannabis for her condition?
Thank you,
Sharon S
Hi Sharon,
Thank you for attending the Yankee Dental talk. I hope that you enjoyed and learned something new!
Thank you for the question. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a complex syndrome. Its definitions have changed over time, just as the field of Medicine has changed too. In general, symptoms are present for 6+ months with substantial or severe intensity for a majority of the time. Along with fatigue, some people feel lousy after exerting themselves physically, may not feel refreshed after a night’s sleep, may have dizziness or lightheadedness, and sometimes even have trouble thinking clearly or completing appropriate cognitive tasks. Naturally, fatigue is a common concern for patients in primary care, but those who meet formal definitions of of this syndrome are unusual.
This is partly because the origins are not totally clear, and many possible origins have been proposed: Infections (bacterial, viral), problems with the immune system, other hormonal issues with the endocrine system, depression, primary sleep troubles, and even some genetic issues may contribute to the diagnosis.
In terms of cannabis, I see dozens, if not hundreds of patients, who suffer with persistent fatigue. And many of them seem content with the cannabis medicine that they take. I have yet to draw direct lines between certain types of cannabis and relief that these patients find, but this is probably true of all medicine.
Follow up?
If you’d like to learn more about how cannabis might help your daughter, please feel free to make an appointment. I look forward to learning more about her, and sharing what I’ve learned from my other patients.